Expressively Expressing Expressions and Emotions

Happiness,sadness, anger, hatred, feelings and emotions are ought to be expressed.

A Story

There’s a story.

A story bound to be written.

Rarely seen in movies.

Quite complicated as been said.

A good reminder of a life.

A life to be lived.

It’s a story indeed.

Ought to be written and read.


It isn’t new to humanity that there are things we truly cannot understand.

Each time it happens, even our emotions we cannot explain.
Here’s a fact from this insignificant life: We are only trying to keep up with what we think life is all about.

Truth is, we  know nothing at all.

We try to make a point,
Yet very uncertain if we ever made sense.
Not even sure which direction we’re heading.
Gone tired of convincing about reaching a destination.

Still, we’re never done pretending.

And if we don’t pretend, what will ever be?
Who’s me?
Who’s you?
Who’s them?
Who’s everybody?
Can we see reality?
Who defines things the way they should be imagined?
What composes life? What makes it real?

What if  a lie is the truth hidden so we see not what we supposed to see?

Aren’t we confused?

Can we find answers in a world that provides fixed definitions of all that should exist?

Surely, we can never comprehend.

A Prayer

‘Lord, grant me the serenity
To accept the things I cannot change,
The courage to change the things I can,
And the wisdom to know the difference.’

FIRE as it Works

Colorful lights in a rayless night

Hiding stars sparkling awkwardly bright

Reaching heights with optimistic might

Intensifying emotions each marvelous  sight

Serene souls lifted along fires every flight

To the sky where dreams and hopes delight.

Untitled : ‘Coz I Don’t Know How To Call This

Recently, I realized I’ve been adding and adding unproductive years in my life. I felt like I haven’t been doing anything right to reach my goals in life. As of the moment, I feel at lost and I don’t really know what to do. Every single day passing me by is like taking me a thousand acres away from my dreams. What are my dreams anyway? Sad to say, I already seem to forget. What do I really want in life? What do I really want to achieve? All I want is to live life to the fullest. I am a happy person, I do appreciate what I have. I just don’t know why I feel like this these couple of days. I feel like I want to achieve something that is far from where I am. Please don’t think that I am a discontented ingrate because I can say that I am enjoying things I am thankful for. Only that this emotion is slowly creeping into my whole being and I don’t want it to eat me up. So let me ambiguously, unintelligibly, illogically, chaotically, aimlessly, sloppily and brokenly put this emotion into words and let it rest in peaceful silence.  There it goes. Thanks for allowing me to express.


I finally made up my mind

Yes, I am starting to blog.

I know, I sound lame.

You can say so.

But hey, it ain’t late for me

Though I’m wondering what brought me here.

See, I am no writer.

I’m new to this craft,

Not that I never write in my entire life.

Just that I never tried any blog site.

I got ideas,

I’ll put them into words,

I’ll write, I’ll get better at this.

And I wanna express my today’s happiness.